Advanced Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence for Turbulent Flame Front S…
作者:集成光电子实验室  时间:2015-07-08  点击数:

报告题目:Advanced Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence for Turbulent Flame Front Structure Visualization

报 告 人:Dr.Zhongshan Li

Associate Professor, Lund University

主 持 人:徐淮良 教授





Zhongshan Li is a Docent (Associate Professor) at division of Combustion Physics, Lund University. He received his Master and PhD in Physics from Jilin University of China in 1995 and Lund University of Sweden in 2000, respectively. He then worked as an assistant professor, Seniro resercher, Doccent (Associate Professor) and Universitet sLektor at the Division of Combustion Physics, Lund University in 2000, 2006, 2009, 2011, respectively. He has also been a guest professor at Tianjin University and an adjunct professor at Zhejiang University of China. His research interests have been combustion diagnostics, and he has published more than 130 peer-reviewed papers.

Abstract: Combustion will remain to be the main sources of power, heat and electricity for the coming decades, where turbulent flames play key roles and have been the most important focus of combustion research. Optical measurements are important in providing crucial data for the understanding of the highly dynamic processes with sufficient spatial the temporal resolution. For the visualization of turbulent flame fronts, especially small scale highly turbulence cases, planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) has been recognized as a power tool for the investigation of the interaction of turbulence and flame chemistry. A laboratory scale jet flame have been established, providing highly turbulent flame with the Karlovitz number variable from laminar case up to 200, approaching the distributed reaction regime. Simultaneous multi-species instantaneous imaging of CH/CH2O/OH and HCO/CH2O/OH have been performed together with simultaneous imaging of T/CH2O/OH. For the first time, the distributed reaction zone regime is demonstrated experimentally with the broadened distribution of CH and HCO. Systematic analysis of the obtained high quality multi-species imaging will provide more insight into the turbulent combustion phenomena, commonly available in industrial applications, providing key information for predictable and tractable combustion models.

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