A critical review of empirical studies on foreign
作者:公共外语教育学院  时间:2015-05-28  点击数:

报告题目: A critical review of empirical studies on foreign language learning

and teaching in Chinese journals

报 告 人: Dr. Gao, Andy Xuesong (高雪松)

Associate Professor

Division of English Language Education

The University of Hong Kong

报告时间: 2015年5月29日14:00-16:00

报告地点: 前卫校区外语楼六楼会议室

主办单位: 公共外语教育学院


In this presentation, I share my experiences of undertaking major review studies first and then will focus on a review study on empirical studies in leading language learning and teaching journals published on the Chinese mainland during the years 2008–2011. Through an extended process of selection, 60 empirical studies were chosen to showcase the research scholarship published in these leading Chinese journals. The selected studies were found to have documented a variety of approaches to improving the teaching of the English language and meeting the demand for proficient English graduates in China. They address a wide range of topics including language learners’ cognitive processes, their language performance, and language teachers’ professional development. The review also noted that these leading Chinese journals have become more receptive to empirical studies and have published an increasing number of qualitative and mixed method studies. However, in comparison with those published in international journals, research scholarship in those journals is still beset with problems and there is a pressing need for Chinese researchers to become ‘discerning’ producers of scholarship. The findings suggest that they should be more critically aware of methodological issues in conducting language learning and teaching research. To end the presentation, I shall also reflect on the pitfalls that one may have when conducting such major reviews.

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