作者:物理学院 时间:2017-10-11 点击数:
题 目:“Covariant density functional theory in nuclear physics”
时 间:2017年10月13日(星期五)上午09:30
地 点:365体育投注,365体育备用网址-官网|直播物理楼333报告厅
报告人:Peter Ring 教授 德国慕尼黑技术大学 (Technical University Munich)
简 介:
Peter Ring 教授1965年毕业于慕尼黑大学物理系,1966年获硕士学位,1969年获得慕尼黑技术大学博士学位。1969-1973年任慕尼黑技术大学助理研究员。1973-1975年在美国Berkeley国家实验室从事博士后研究。1980年起任慕尼黑技术大学理论物理教授。Peter Ring 教授是原子核基础理论领域内世界知名的物理学家,在量子多体理论、原子核的转动和振动激发、奇特原子核、超重原子核以及协变密度泛函理论等领域已经取得了丰硕的研究成果并且积累了大量的经验。曾担任PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 等刊物编委,1992年获得西班牙-德国科技合作Humboldt-Mutis奖,2005年为核物理海伦协会名誉会员,2010年入选北京大学首批教育部海外名师项目。先后在PHYSICS REPORTS、PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS等学术期刊发表SCI论文四百余篇,引用累计2万余次,H因子为70,其专著《The Nuclear Many-Body Problem》自1980年以来多次重印,成为核物理学界最受欢迎的经典著作之一。
摘 要:
Since the early work of Kohn and Sham Density Functional Theory (DFT) in Coulombic systems
has been developed as a very powerful, in principle exact, tool for the description of quantum mechanical many-body systems. In nuclear physics Density Dependent Hartree-Fock (DDHF) theory introduced in the seventies by Vautherin and Brink have turned out to provide an extremely successful non-relativistic description of nuclear ground states and excited states all over the periodic table. They are considered as density functional theories for strongly interacting nuclear systems. Since spin degrees of freedom play an extremely important role in nuclear physics a spin-orbit term has to be included in these theories which depends on additional phenomenological parameters.
Covariant Density Functional Theory (CDFT) is based on relativistic field theories. Modern versions are point coupling models with density dependent vertices. These functionals take fully into account Lorentz invariance, one of the underlying symmetries of QCD. This not only allows to describe the spin-orbit coupling in a consistent way, but it also puts stringent restrictions on the number of parameters in the corresponding functionals without reducing the quality of the agreement with experimental data.
In this talk we will discuss modern applications of covariant density functional theory, in particular for the new phenomena in the region of exotic isotopes far from stability