德国马格德堡大学Rolf Findeisen教授系列学术讲座及报告会
作者:汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室  时间:2017-10-16  点击数:


报告名称:Towards Safe and Autonomous Complex Systems - A predictive control approach

报告人:德国马格德堡大学自动控制研究所Rolf Findeisen教授。主要研究兴趣:模型预测控制、信息物理系统和机电系统控制


The world is becoming increasingly connected, socially as well as technological. Formerly separately designed systems are becoming part of larger systems. They need to be designed such that an optimal, yet flexible behavior is achieved while guaranteeing safety and reliability. We outline that predictive control is well suited to tackle these challenges. It allows to take preview information of future demands and disturbances into account, while being able to satisfy constraints on states and parameters, which enables safe and reliable operation. Specifically, we present the concept of contract based predictive control, which provides means towards flexible, yet reliable hierarchical and distributed control. We furthermore outline how the concept of contract based control can be expanded to the use of models of different granularity in the predictions and how learning based approaches can be integrated. The findings will be underlined considering examples from building control and control of autonomous vehicles.

报告时间:2017年10月16日上午10:00-11:00 (10:00-11:00, October 16, 2017)

报告地点: 365体育投注,365体育备用网址-官网|直播南岭校区基础楼524室


讲座名称: An Introduction to the Principles and Theory of Predictive Control

讲授人:德国马格德堡大学自动控制研究所Rolf Findeisen教授


By now predictive control has become one of the mostimportant control approaches used. Applications span from robotics, toautomatic driving, controlling systems over communication networks, up tochemical processes. In the frame of this mini course we introduce, after abrief review of optimal control theory, the basic principle behind predictivecontrol. We furthermore outline important theoretical topics, spanning fromstability, to robust predictive control in an uncertain environment, and thefusion of learning and predictive control.


Lecture 1: Intro and basics of Optimal Control, Review ofstatic Optimization

Lecture 2: Dynamic Programming and Hamilton JacobiBellman equation in a nut shell

Lecture 3: Numerical Solution Methods to Optimal ControlProblems

Lecture 4: Predictive Control - Basic Principle andStability

Lecture 5: Robust Predictive Control

Lecture 6: Predictive Control beyond stabilization

Lecture 7 (optional): Predictive control in the age ofthe IoT and cloud



10月16日October 16(Monday)

下午Afternoon:15:30 - 17:00

10月17日October 17(Tuesday)

上午Morning: 10:00 - 11:30

下午Afternoon:15:30 - 17:00

10月18日October 18(Wednesday)

上午Morning: 10:00 - 11:30

下午Afternoon:15:30 - 17:00

10月19日October 19(Thursday)

上午Morning: 10:00 - 11:30

【Rolf Findeisen教授简介】

Rolf Findeisenobtained a M.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, a Diploma inEngineering Cybernetics and Doctorate from the University of Stuttgart. Since2007 he is heading the Laboratory for Systems Theory and Automatic Controlat the Otto-von-Guericke Universit?t Magdeburg. He is an editor and associatededitor of several journals including the IEEE Transactions on Control ofNetwork Systems. He has authored more then 260 publications. Theresearch of his group focuses on control for autonomous systems,decision-making under uncertainty, and network controlled systems. Theconsidered fields of applications span from automotive applications androbotics to biological and medical applications

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